Tuesday, August 24


What a fun weekend we've been having!

In a nearly summer campish way, my fellow freshman and I have been running around campus since we first arrived performing various tasks assigned to us by the infamous (and often missing) blue orientation books given to us when we first moved in.

And please don't think I used the word 'running' in a vague or figurative way- I personally have been spending a good deal of time briskly walking from one end of campus to the other in an attempt to pull my new life together (it's getting there), and a good chunk of the freshman class spent around 2 hours literally sprinting from one building to another during the Scavenger Hunt.

Here's my group in Mrs. Lynch's office, one of the destinations, after a good hour and a half of mostly sweating.

Despite my deep hatred of exercise and the fact that my team lost in an embarrassing manner, we all had an enjoyable workout, and I can now tell you were almost any building on campus is, and how to get there quickest, and how to get there slowest.

After a decent sized nap and a freezing cold shower, I was pleasantly informed by my roommate that my new group of friends had decided to go to Casino Night in costume! I love dressing up, and I was completely thrilled that, unlike my high school years where I was usually the one begging my friends to change from pajama pants to something more fun, it wasn't my idea to get all dolled up for no reason. I love Stephens girls!

And look how adorable my friends ended up looking!

Here's me and Cheyenne from down the hall:

My friends Taylor and Mariah:

Casino Night was a blast, even though I completely lost at every game I played. I'm more than a little humiliated that I failed so terribly at Go Fish.

But I did meet Raven Simone, a girl with the most amazing nails I have ever seen. My embarrassment at the card table was worth seeing this girl's more-than-radical manicure. They're simply mesmerizing...

So the overall verdict for Freshman Orientation?

Nothing but fun, although tiring, completely worth the extra effort.

Now on to classes! I'll let you all know how my first day of school goes!!

love, rudi

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