Tuesday, December 18

Officially Post-Grad

My Christmas break started out just right with Truchi's graduation! I've gotta say I'm over the moon proud of this guy.

These are just a few of my favorite pictures from Saturday. Isn't his grandpa so cute and smiley?

The best part of his graduation might be the reminder that my own is coming up quickly, and after that he and I will finally be together, signing a lease somewhere, picking out what type of juice to buy at the grocery, and buying a couch.

I'm seriously excited about having my own couch.

love, rudi

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Truchi! On a side note---make sure it's a good napping couch, as you are a couch napping girl. Have a great Christmas!!!! Hello to Mom, Ben and Sadie!!--Paducah


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